Saturday, July 24, 2010

Heh, Heh...You Said Blog

Have you ever thought about the word blog? It sounds weird like it couldn't possibly be a good thing.

For example:

Q: What happened to you last night!? I've never seen you drink so much!

A: Oh wow, I blogged three times on the way home and twice when I got there! And this morning I noticed I even had a little blog on my shoes! It's going to be a while before I drink like that again. Just thinking about it makes me blog a little in my mouth.

Q: What did the plumber say.

A: Well, basically he's never seen pipes as blogged as ours. He's out writing the quote right now. It's not going to be pretty but I can't take the smell any more!

It's probably just me who would think this, but I'm O.K. with chuckling to myself every time I sit down to blog (see I just giggled!).

Friday, July 23, 2010

How I Named my Blog

So, I got this email with a YouTube video titled Free Hugs. I was actually touched when I saw total strangers hugging each other with varying levels of emotion and intensity. Unfortunately, my sense of "social yucky" set in and made me think about the creepers in the world.

My thought process went a little something like this: Aw, that's so sweet...Wait a minute, what if I was out there with a free hugs sign and some obvious creeper walked up to collect? Am I supposed to embrace this repulsive, smelly, possibly criminal person? Is that false advertising if I don't? What if we're mid embrace and his hands wander? The video only shows the successes and I suppose it's a good message. I just really want to see the outtakes! No hugs for the creepers!